Hello dear colleagues! For real now I don t have the job connected with languages, but I have the other one. I would like to tunn the light on above my little business. Now I try to make the on-line Toyshop, its name is GOST-TOYS (ГОСТ-TOYS). We have the website, http://gost-toys.ru/ , and I try to make it famous throw the community, in which I want to invite all of you. It will be great if you will become members of this community. http://vk.com/gosttoys (ГОСТ-Toys, игрушки по ГОСТу со всего света) Here you will have an opportunity not only to affect the purchase. We have created this page to unite the group of people who are interested in the development of children and in their activity. Any member of the community is very important for us and we will do a lot for making the main topic of the community more cognitive and funny. So please DON'T FORGET to translate correctly this massage and make the positive action. It is not so hard, but it will help a lot. You can make the repost of any attractive for you note. You can repost even this note, it will be great by your side. Thank you for the attention.

Теги других блогов: Toyshop Community Online